Who am I
I am Chineselegolas, or CL for short. Also known as Michael Carter, mcar147, Michael, Carter, Junior, Puppy (Don't ask), Bro, Michael James and a myriad of other names
The origins of my nickname Chineselegolas are deep in my history. When I moved to China back in 2002 I got myself an Email address to keep in contact with friends back in New Zealand. Being LotR fan and living in china I came up with Chineselegolas thinking it rather witty. Over the course of the next few years I started using it all over the interblag, and it became something that was also me.
Now a-days
Even though I'm back in New Zealand I still use the nickname as it has become me over the past years, so much so that when a christmas card arrived two years ago from a friend on a game addressed to Chineselegolas, my parents gave it to me without thinking twice about it. One of the clubs I've joined at Uni is though a friend I met online and he calls me CL, though I've since moved onto using his actual name.
A large portion of my time is taken up roleplaying, be it thinking about munching a character, reading splat books or actaully playing, it is one of my favourite past times.
Past Experience
While I was living in China I had a few slot in my schedule and the school wouldn't let me have a study hall, instead making me take an online course. The course I did was with Basic something... Or something basic... It was a few years ago, memory isn't so good... I enjoyed the course though and learnt basic programming syntax which came in handy for Enggen131
My Signature
It is rather sweet isn't it. Took quite a while to create... Well to customize from one on another wiki I used to spend time on. The main difficulty was to convert it to a template which I could call instead of it being a huge length of code to fill up a page. From my time on other wikis I knew roughly how to do that, but it had been such a long time I was out of practice
(wish i could call it sweet lol State4PlasmaTalk 12:55, 17 March 2008 (NZST))
Screen Cast
Here is my screen cast... Great isn't it... <HTML> <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="772" HEIGHT="591" id="Screencast.swf" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="Screencast.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff> <EMBED src="" quality=high bgcolor=#ffffff WIDTH="772" HEIGHT="591" NAME="Screencast.swf" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="">