SE306:Group 3:Overview
I dont know wiki syntax so i m gonna just type someone edit when u have time
Development process -Tried to use xp ( iterations) -Stand up meetings (minutes) -Arranged meetings
-Architectural Spike - Build basic archi + made system and define
- Always prioritized features to implement
- Review priorities regularly
-Pair programming, groups of two, next iteration switch -Project split up according to areas of str
Project Management
-Plan + reality
- Worked together simulteneously
-->Reality, not enough information for Dan to get the requirements
-->Theoretical plans, but in reality didnt address plans well enough -->No Code responsibility / Shared ownership
Reflection of Group Work -Give Dan Good Marks -Getting to know group members / Ice Breaking time -Project Based on self motivation -Take time to understand each other
-Appendix Joey - DB, Client, Engine. Team Carry!! Danver - Server, Engine. Tc too Katherine - Game, Client Shruti - idk how to spell your name, Client Geoffery - Engine Dan - Game, Interface
Analysis of options
-RMI vs Msg Parsing MsgP -> Xml, slow, model hard to maintain
-> DB cant insert, serialisation problem
-Tried to use flash, but cant cos of some noobs
We use a 3 tier architecture, client/server/engine Good model --> sun archi?
Allows load balancing, replication, transaction chopping
Other engines, run from main mem
Server fully stateless
Consider hindsight
better game game installation Alpha version??
omg its too late im going to sleep bye