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Assessment criteria Score
The session content is relevant to the course 5
The session has been a useful aid to your own learning 4
The team presenting the session has demonstrated that they have understood what they have presented 5
You have learnt something new from the session 5

Justification for the above scores

  • Relevance: As with all other postmorterms, it covers an assignment from the course
  • Useful: Slight repetition of material covered, but good nonetheless
  • Understood: Only a few minor errors, everything else done well
  • Learnt: The checkerboard nestingshape was something new

One aspect of the session that was particularly good

  • Giving possible different implementations of the path() method was good

One part of the session that could have been improved

  • A bit of repetition as mentioned above, but this is understandably a shorter assignment and does not have material to be covered by everyone.

Peer assessors present

  • Abdulrahman Hizam Omran (aomr001)
  • Hung Pan (hpan027)
  • Tzu-Lun Wong (twon069)
  • Zijie Yang (zyan057)