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Assessment criteria Score
The session content is relevant to the course 5
The session has been a useful aid to your own learning 5
The team presenting the session has demonstrated that they have understood what they have presented 5
You have learnt something new from the session 3

Justification for the above scores

  • Covered a wide range of topics from week 5.
  • Very practical, we actualy had to do stuff.
  • The explanation were satisfactory.
  • Nothing new really.

One aspect of the session that was particularly good

  • The little 10min test was pretty nice.
  • There were choclates =).

One part of the session that could have been improved

  • Multichoices were pretty boring and annoying with the specific names.

Peer assessors present

  • Abdulrahman Hizam Omran (aomr001)
  • Hung Pan (hpan027)
  • Tzu-Lun Wong (twon069)
  • Zijie Yang (zyan057)