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This lab is about parse trees. There were few errors in the code. I have fixed them with the help of my friend and the tutor. The 'expect' function should be after the 'error' function.
Task 1
Just downloading the code from wiki.
Task 2
The code for this task...
int main(){ char *file="lab8.jpg"; ParseTree* t = mkNode('-', mkNode( '-', mkNode( 'a', 0 ), mkNode( 'b', 0 ), 0 ), 0); prefix_tree(t); tree_to_graph( t, file ); return 0; }
Output: -(-(a b))
Task 3 & 4
For this task, I have done 3 parse trees and combined them.
int main(){ char *file="lab8.jpg"; ParseTree* t1 = mkNode('>', mkNode( '+', mkNode( 'a', 0 ), mkNode( 'b', 0 ), 0), mkNode('c' ,0), 0); ParseTree* t2 = mkNode( '*', mkNode('z', 0), mkNode('+', mkNode( 'y', 0), mkNode( 'b', 0), 0), 0); ParseTree* t3 = mkNode('?', mkNode('=', mkNode('a', 0), mkNode('2', 0), 0), mkNode('-', mkNode('x', 0), mkNode('y', 0), 0), mkNode('-', mkNode('y', 0), mkNode('x', 0), 0), 0); ParseTree* t = mkNode('?', t1, t2, t3, 0); prefix_tree(t); tree_to_graph( t, file ); return 0; }
Output: ?(>(+(a b) c) *(z +(y b)) ?(=(a 2) -(x y) -(y x)))
I found it easier to split the tree and combine it instead of doing the whole thing in one line. I have also drawn the graph.