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Lab 6

Task 1

Creating a couple of trees and averaging the heights together, I created a rather nice chart which I seem unable to upload. Ah well, it looks pretty.

The height of the tree grows quickly at first, but then slows growing out similarly to a root function

Task 2

Writing this code I had several small errors in my main function which somehow prevented it from running (And causing visual studio to want to debug... Even though I wasn't using it...), but creating the sub functions was rather easy.

Task 3

Once again I got the "Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger" pop up... And I'm still not using Visual Studio... Once again the task in itself seems rather straight forward I just seem to be really good at making small critical errors the compiler can't catch

Task 4

I'm getting feed up with the "Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger". Wish there was a lecturer here to guide me to where my mistakes are

Task 5

Not done yet

Task 6

Not done yet, but expecting "Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger"