Hi all!
Well first I thought I'd start by discussing the code I used. The lab handout did state that we might not have done any coding in the last 3 months and that would be very correct in my case! lol So I had to go a review a few bits of code from last years 131 course (thank god I had my usb with me)
Then I needed some assistance with the clock function. I turned to the help menu for this rather than asking the tutors. And I came across a very interesting piece which described exactly what we were doing!
^^^ url must be inserted in the help menu
The code I ended up using was ::::
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main(void) { long input = 4000000; long i = 0; double duration; clock_t start, finish; start = clock(); while(i < input) i++; finish = clock(); duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Time taken to add 1 up to %d is %f seconds\n", input, duration); return 0; }
I started at an input of 1000000 (1million) and worked my way up to 10000000 (10million) in intervals of 100000 (100thousand). As you'd expect the seconds increased with each extra addition of 100000, however my results were only accurate to the nearest millisecond so the increase in time wasn't very exact. I got an increase in time by 1 millisecond every 4-6 increase in 100000.
Something interesting I noticed was that when the number of additions was doubled, the time was longer than double!
1000000 = 0.002s
2000000 = 0.005s !!
and the pattern continued higher up additions.
You may have noticed how my code example contains longs, I tried int only to find I get the same results. Short couldn't be carried out as the number of additions was too little, I couldn't go beyond 2304. I had issues with float and double, it just wouldn't work :S
Here are my full results that I recorded ::::
1000000 = 0.002s
1100000 = 0.003s
1200000 = 0.003s
1300000 = 0.003s
1400000 = 0.003s
1500000 = 0.004s
1600000 = 0.004s
1700000 = 0.004s
1800000 = 0.004s
1900000 = 0.004s
2000000 = 0.005s
2100000 = 0.005s
2200000 = 0.005s
2300000 = 0.005s
2400000 = 0.005s
2500000 = 0.005s
2600000 = 0.005s
2700000 = 0.005s
2800000 = 0.006s
2900000 = 0.006s
3000000 = 0.007s
3100000 = 0.007s
3200000 = 0.007s
3300000 = 0.007s
3400000 = 0.008s
3500000 = 0.008s
3600000 = 0.008s
3700000 = 0.008s
3800000 = 0.008s
3900000 = 0.008s
4000000 = 0.009s
4500000 = 0.010s
5000000 = 0.011s
5500000 = 0.012s
6000000 = 0.013s
6500000 = 0.014s
7000000 = 0.016s
7500000 = 0.017s
8000000 = 0.018s
8500000 = 0.019s
9000000 = 0.020s
9500000 = 0.021s
9600000 = 0.021s
9700000 = 0.021s
9800000 = 0.022s
9900000 = 0.022s
10000000 = 0.022s
It took some time remembering bits of code but in the end I think I got some standard results.