Lab 1
- Tried to use the EMAC programme...but did not understand at all what was going on, so switched back to Visual Studio which I found easier to use.
- Before I even started I was trying to remember how C worked, it took a lot of trial and error and staring at friend's computers to figure that out.
- I had NO idea how the clock() function worked until I Google'd it and asked some questions from friends and lecturer.
- Trying to remember simple ENGGEN131 stuff, like proper syntax. That included { } brackets and int main(). I was horrified at my memory loss.
- Was confused whether to use a while or a for loop, in the end settled with a for loop.
My code
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int x; int a; long b; short c; float d; double e; double time_elapsed; int main() { clock_t starttiming; clock_t endtiming; starttiming = clock(); for (x = 0; x < 1000000000; x++) { a = a + a; } endtiming = clock(); time_elapsed = ((double) (endtiming - starttiming)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Time elapsed to execute an int addition command is %lf seconds\n", time_elapsed); starttiming = clock(); for (x = 0; x < 1000000000; x++) { b = b + b; } endtiming = clock(); time_elapsed = ((double) (endtiming - starttiming)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Time elapsed to execute an long addition command is %lf seconds\n", time_elapsed);
- Repeat the above code from starttiming to the printf line for each main data type (i.e. just change b to c, then to d, then to e).
Explanation & Example
What I did in the above code was for each main data type, I made it do 1 billion additions, and then print the time it took for the processor to calculate all the additions. I was going to write a code to calculate each main data type more than once, and take the average. I would of had to use another loop. But I ran out of yeah :)
An example of one of my code running are as followed:
- Time elapsed to execute an int addition command is: 3.649000 seconds
- Time elapsed to execute an long addition command is: 3.122000 seconds
- Time elapsed to execute an short addition command is: 3.030900 seconds
- Time elapsed to execute an float addition command is: 4.826000 seconds
- Time elapsed to execute an double addition command is: 4.746000 seconds