SE250:May 26
SOFTENG 250 class meeting for 26th May 2008
- Post topics that you would like John Hamer to discuss about the HTTB
Format of the HTTB
Content of HTTB
- How can we make sure that the things we research for the HTTB is of use and is needed by the students for this course?
Minute taker: User:tlou006
There is no one “best” data structure to use
Hashing generally is good – fast – works for most data types – can make different hash functions
Sometimes things are not so clear cut
eg. Linked Lists vs Array lists
“cost” for operating at the front of the list, sometimes this cost can be removed – cost increases as list grows.
Memory overhead imposed with LL. If list is short then LL is small: one cell, but AL you have to make a big lump, like you are expecting more values.
Naive search methods – breadth-first, depth-first = brute force/naive: doesnt care much about our problem.
Smart search methods = knows a little about our problem and can make search more efficient – but more program costs
If AL, is it worth it keeping stuff in sorted order? when the data is in sorted order looking things up is faster, but inserting stuff is slower because you have to resort
Question regarding HTTB marks
Contribution is relative, not going compare with last year Expected workload is 10hours per week – after lectures and labs it is 4hours each week to do stuff, including HTTB
Don’t copy paste from previous HTTB
Something to a polished level of presentation, in depth
Screencasts better than wall of text, concise detailed, visual
Lectures end on 6th june, everything is done by then according to university standards, but ok to have extra dribble in after in the week
By the 6th you need to send to john a summary of your contributions to HTTB, he will give some feedback
Exam is on 16th
Focus on screencasts
Cover stuff beyond the course material but don’t overdo and overextend, mention important connections to other resources
Focus on stuff covered in labs
Hashing will come up in exam because its good topic
In last year exam,
Hashing a New data type (hashing existing data type, eg. int or char is too easy)
When you have a key that is composed of various parts, there is no built in hashing function that hashes your data type, which is made up of strings and integers
We are given the hash function for strings, ints
1. hash each part
Combine the hash values together eg. Hash a deal hand of 5 cards eg. 52cards in deck 52 integers hashing
Does the order of the cards matter?? 12345 = flush 13425 != flush, the order of cards in the hand doesnt change the value of the hand
If order matter then combine asymmetrically
If not the combine symmetrically
Question regarding exams
Some stuff from last year exam will “echo” in this year
Mark’s section is multichoice
Exam format is the same-ish as last year(john threw in some hard questions for this year Q__Q,
some questions will be new from previous years, new ideas
The implications of topics, understand tradeoff issues
Will be asked to write a hash functions, write code for it
120 marks around 1minute a mark
3hour exam, should be done in 2hour so we not stressed :D
50/70 john/mark split
One on pointers,
One on pointers and arraylists together
One on hashing
- dcho040 : I'm going to make a screen cast to show the differences between 4 different data structures(LinkList, ArrayList, BinarySearchTree,HashTable). It will be a quite detail and I hope it will be uploaded today (6/6)