SE250:June 5
- sshi080
* tsen009
Exam Information
Exam is comprised of two parts:
70/120 Mark Wilson 50/120 John Hamer
Notes have to be hand written - but maybe it can be printed? Mark will check.
Mark Wilson's part of the exam will be multichoice, and will be more likely to relate to the actual algorithm/structure than specifically for C.
Someone pointed out: is a good resource for C study.
Last year questions
Looked over last year's exam questions
Binary search trees:
-Describing algorithm, theory, not code.
-Deleting node e: find largest node on the left sub tree, e will be replaced by c with d as child, then f on the right.
-Hard to do multichoice with multiple code fragments - so maybe just theory?
-The semi-colon in the question, maybe just separator instead of line ender.
State-space search:
-Initial search space HHHTTT
-State space: 64 states, 2^6
-Breadth-first, easy to implement, guarantee to find in smallest number of moves.
-Now consider 2^50 states, now use a guided, informed search.
-Maybe rank on how many already in correct state
-Also, check how many marks the question is worth, don't spend too much time on questions aren't worth much
-It is a binary search tree, it has ordering property and two child nodes each parent.
-Can't rotate so 11 is root, because 17 is bigger than 11.