SE250:April 24:Test
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Question One
- Answer required a piece of code with a loop with at least 10,000 iterations
- A million iterations was a good number for sensible results
- Answer need to explain how to interpret the output as well as how to get results
- e.g. Comment out bits of code, run the loop several times, etc.
- While the hypothesis sounds reasonable, they were all false under certain circumstances
- Just stating "fa;se" without qualification was not sufficient as they were generally true
- Need to reference the lab results in explanation
- Answer should include idea that it is not possible to get an accurate measure for runtime by breaking a programme down to its constituents - performance measurement is not reductive
Question Two
- Answer was
1 4 4 4 4 4 5 8
- However it should be noted that the second part of the answer may vary with compiler
- Generally well done
- Ambiguous statement for allocating memory was not accepted
- i.e. cannot use "int x = 0" for everything, need to be specific about their differences
- Part a) requires understanding to be shown about memory for stack being reused resulting in garble
- Common errors include
- Claims to char* not being returned (it was)
- s not being initialised (it was)
- Two possible solution to part b)
- Allocate memory to s with malloc - however this may result in memory leaks in the programme as it is not obvious who should be responsible for freeing the memory after it is used
- Making string a static variable - however, every time the function is called the previous value of s will be overwritten
Question Three
- Parameters include
- Initial capacity
- Growth factor
- Resizing factor has the greatest effect on performance
- This was well justified
- Growth factors around 10 was not accepted as they were too big
- Diminishing returns could be seen in performance graph
- i.e. Going from 4 to infinity has a smaller gain than going from 1.5 to 2
- No strong case can be made for growth factors greater than 4
- Model answer would be 1.5ish up to 4
- The shape of the graph is linear with growth factor being inversely proportional to the slope, but with diminishing returns
- People either had this question completely right or wrong - no middle grounds
- The code returns the address in memory of the function interpreted as an integer
- Not the number of elements in the list
- It was suggested that if people needed convincing, they could write the code themselves
- In order to get the number of elements in the list, the call needs to be
arraylist_size(AL); //where AL is the array list
Question Four
- Diagram was generally well done
- Need to show the self reference of the nil cell in order to get full marks
- Common mistake including making a new chain for ys instead of using the existing cells in xs
- Fairly well done as most has seen a shorter version of this code
- Common mistake was using the code
Cons* zero_one = cons( 0, cons( 1, zero_one ) );
- However, in the above code zero_one is unintialised when called
- An additional step is needed
zero_one->tail->tail = zero_one;
- Reasonably well done
- Common errors include
- Not stepping ys
- Solution
void sumlist( Cons* xs, Cons* ys ) { for( ; xs != nil; xs = xs->tail, ys = ys->tail ) xs->head += ys->head; }
- Note that the check ys != nil is insignificant
Question Five
- The question was somewhat ambiguous as theory vs practise could either be considered as statistic vs results or low entropy vs high entropy
- People are welcome to bring script to John for remark - at the risk of being marked down
- Answer required justification
- e.g. each statistic test result for buzhash points to random
- Rand was not accepted as an answer
- This is not an actual hash function
- Two possible solutions for best performing hash function in practise
- Buzhash for being closest to expected value
- Java Int for having shortest chains
- H1 can be disproved by either Java Str or Java Int - both of which are superior in practise but poor in theory
- H2 can be disproved by Java Str - which performed better with a low entropy source
- A handful of people pulled examples supporting the hypothesis
- Most had the answer right ("no") but provided no explanation
- Explanation could include
- Hashing even numbers will result in half the table being empty
- The function is "fragile" and will "[go] to custard" with certain kinds of data