SE250:April 23
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SOFTENG 250 2008, Wednesday 23 April
Creative Activity
- Today we had a guest lecturer: Helen Sword, who is form the Centre for Academic Development.
- Basically shes doing research on creativity. I guess that means we're the guinue pigs??
- we had to sign a consent form to say that our work can be used in the future, without our name attached to it.
- So this project is worth 5%. John said its part of the compensatory bonus marks.
- All the information is in the hand out we got. Or u can click on the link:
- The project is presenting the poem in a webpage.
- Helen read out a poem by Emily Dickenson called "The spider holds a silver ball"
- Then there was a discussion on what the poem means.
- We also went through it to see what words go together and seeing how we can represent them using images.
- Helen suggested choosing a specific audience and then make the webpage specifically for that like in a way that would be easier for them to understand than just reading the poem. Eg. your audience could be your mum...or a child
- John said we can work in groups
- We hav no lab next tuesday(29th April)
- John said that we should hav something up on the wiki or the intranet site by next tuesday.
minute taker: Sgha014 19:35, 21 April 2008 (NZST)