2008:SE401:Tentative Descrpition

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/Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is currently very topical and receiving much interest from the software industry. Fundamental SOA infrastructure allows services to be published and advertised to potential service consumers. Services can also be used as the building blocks to assemble more complex applications and workflows. Clients discover services of interest and consume them. Web services offer one realisation of SOA that are becoming increasingly popular. /

/The aim of this project is develop an SOA model that takes into account quality attributes of services. Attributes might include availability, security, performance, and reliability. Suitable infrastructure will be developed to allow particular services to be decorated with such architectural attributes whose values are recorded and updated over time. Values for attributes might be elicited from monitoring infrastructure. On selecting a service for consumption, new infrastructure will take into account the consumer's architectural requirements and bind to an appropriate service. The role of quality attributes should be separable from application development with the new infrastructure being largely transparent to application developers./

/The project will involve an investigation into the SOA computing model and its support from web services. The project will also review any work that has similar aims and other complementary work that might be reused. Prototype infrastructure will be developed and evaluated./

May, 2008
17    123
Select date

<script type="text/javascript">

 function dateChanged(calendar) {
   // Beware that this function is called even if the end-user only
   // changed the month/year.  In order to determine if a date was
   // clicked you can use the dateClicked property of the calendar:
   if (calendar.dateClicked) {
     // OK, a date was clicked, redirect to /yyyy/mm/dd/index.php
     var y = calendar.date.getFullYear();
     var m = calendar.date.getMonth();     // integer, 0..11
     var d = calendar.date.getDate();      // integer, 1..31
     // redirect...
     window.location = "/" + y + "/" + m + "/" + d + "/index.php";
     flat         : "calendar-container", // ID of the parent element
     flatCallback : dateChanged           // our callback function
