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Sofware Engineering 2008

Fourth Year Project

SE Wiki Page

EPICS Project


EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) is a programme that enables teams of engineering undergraduates and academic mentors to work with community organisations that need technical input. The projects are long term, resulting in systems that have a significant, lasting impact on the community organisations and the people they serve.

EPICS is a US engineering programme, founded in Purdue University in 1995. There are now 18 universities in the US that run EPICS. Auckland is the only international programme.

Teams at Auckland are made up of Part 4 engineering students doing EPICS as a credit course, supported by volunteer students from other parts of the degree.

Our project

2008 Courses

Semester 1

Semester 2

  • SOFTENG 401B
  • ENGGEN 403
  • --

Personal Projects


  1. Report for orion / Metal Skills.
  2. Update CV.
  3. T-CD.
  4. Where I am script.

  • email