SE251:Session 1 report by group 3

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Assessment criteria Score
The session content is relevant to the course 5
The session has been a useful aid to your own learning 4
The team presenting the session has demonstrated that they have understood what they have presented 3
You have learnt something new from the session 4

Justification for the above scores

Overall the session was done well by group1. Most of the questions were relevant and challenging. However there are few things that can be improved on (please see below).

Some of the questions were too long (too much code) to read over quickly on the projector screen, but given this is the first group they didn't have much of a standard to look up to.

One aspect of the session that was particularly good

Everyone had unique questions and the answers were explained in detail. A wide range of topics were chosen and that helped to understand those topics a bit more.

One part of the session that could have been improved

Most of the questions were done well, except for the longer questions (tedious), maybe shorten them a bit so there is enough time to think about it.

Questions maybe more relative to what we had learned, and show it where to use .

Peer assessors present

Jhor053 (finally could login :D )
kkan048(i agree with this,it is reasonable marking)