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Assessment criteria Score
The session content is relevant to the course 5
The session has been a useful aid to your own learning 4
The team presenting the session has demonstrated that they have understood what they have presented 5
You have learnt something new from the session 4

Justification for the above scores

  • Relevance: No doubt the content was extremely relevant to the course (you get the easy points here :), and it was presented in an informative manner.
  • Usefulness: The whole class should have greatly benefited from the sharing of your solutions to the assignment. However, it felt as if the different approaches to making BankAccount object-oriented have not been fully explored, which I think is important. More on this below.
  • Understanding: It was clear each of you understood what you were talking about - after all it's your own assignment :) But more than that, it was great that you also have acknowledged both the strengths and shortcomings of the individual approaches.
  • LearntNew: Nice mention of the for-each construct and Writers, plus the review of exception handling. Good demonstration of how abstract classes can be utilised to provide "templating", for generating statements. However I would have liked a more comprehensive exploration of object-oriented approaches.

One aspect of the session that was particularly good

Overall, well done. All of you made a good effort. As I said above, you explained your solutions thoroughly and made appropriate references to not only material taught in previous lectures but also some new handy concepts.

One part of the session that could have been improved

The one major point for improvement is the way in which you presented your solutions for object-oriented design. The focus was more on what the code does than how it was structured, and the difference between your individual object-oriented approaches were limited to relatively finer points such as using Vectors instead of arrays. I would have liked to have heard a focused discussion on why you chose particular inheritance hierarchies, and how your designs stand with regard to the ease of introducing new types of accounts or modifying the existing contracts for all account types.

Peer assessors present

Me, myself and I