Group 5.1:Engine2
Bug List
no indication of server start up success - benFIXED Abhi
login / registration is not case sensitive (should it be?) - benFIXED BenNot SQL Injection safe with Register - benFIXED BenCan accept empty string, empty password field - benFIXED Ben
colour indication can be wrong for "your turn" - benAdriansays it's "your turn" but it's actually their turn to start the game - benAdrian
- turn problems - ben
clicking on the unit you just moved results in your turn again, but clicking on the unit you moved will end your turn. O_o - benFIXED Oran- submit turn button does not work - ben - IN PROGRESS
- move highlight not always shown - ben
- rules are wrong for pawns, cannot kill units / This is game-related tho. - ben
When choose to end game (via menu bar), the console informs you that you have failed to log out - benFIXED Ben
- other client not notified of the other "gone" - ben
cannot play 2 games with the same client: no one can start - benFIXED Ben
enter key does not work in gui - benFIXED - AbhiThe Register, login and start and end server buttons do not respond to any key presses at all - Abhi, BenFIXED - Abhienter key does not work for the chat option - Abhi, BenFIXED - Abhi
does not tell you which player you are.. - benAdrian
- Client does not tell server when it quits or leaves a game, causing game joining errors - ben
No victory conditions implemented - Abhi, BenFIXED ? Ben
The Start Game button does not go away/disppear after the game has started - AbhiAdrian
- If you try making a new game after you have ended the server and restarted it again, it does not work, says you cannot create a game - Abhi
- Cannot join an existing game after you ended it previously - Abhi
- When you click on end game while playing a game, the whole clent GUI closes and you have to re run the client. Ideally should go to back to some kind of lobby window with all the games - Abhi
- It's more of a bad naming than a bug, since New Game actually brings you back to the lobby screen - commented Ben
- No proper lobby is present with the list of current games and current matches - Abhi
- Again, it's their view on what a lobby looks like etc, not really a bug. Just probably poor HCI? - commented Ben
- On code inspection, it seems like the matchID is over written every time the server starts. - Ben
- No matter what game board is chosen, the image drawn is a black/white chess board.. need to change in - Ben
- Not thread safe and a whole lot of threads == scalability issues? - ben
- Piece's generate move state does not allow units to move over the other.. meaning it cant kill a piece -ben