SE401:33:Iteration 4
- Implement User Stories:
6 User wants to modify some of the information in the data source to fit their requirements. MUST 9 User wants to output the mashup in PHP MUST
- Estimated Duration: 20 hours
Week 1
- Looked at regular expressions
- - Researched Java Regex tool for regular expression support
- - Added regular expression check in Google Map object to check address data for incompatibility
- - Created popup alert to display possible bad addresses
- Began RSS formatting functionality
- - Added new toolbar icon for RSS Formatting
- - Created new object called "FormattedData" to store formatted rss elements
- - Added new dialog boxes for formatted data creation and editing
- - Modified Google Maps to accept FormattedData objects
- Formatting tools
- - added dialog box for Google map formatting options
- - added two optimising functions, 'remove invalid' and 'finding approximate location'
- - removing invalid characters from addresses
- - implemented regular expressions to try fix invalid addresses
- - created general formatting options dialog box
Week 2
- Formatting tools
- - removed general formatting options dialog box because not needed at this stage
- - Improved approximate location algorithm
- Looked at implementing PHP generation
- - similar to how we did JavaScript - commenting the code and toggling on save
- - would mean writing PHP code generation for all mashup elements
- - this would take a long time and is trivial
- - would increase code length with redundant PHP/JS/HTML for all file types
- - could be improved by re-writing the save methods
- - but would be good because it allows for dynamic RSS fetching (performed server side)
- User Stories Completed:
6 User wants to modify some of the information in the data source to fit their requirements. MUST Completed 9 User wants to output the mashup in PHP MUST Time consuming
- Decided not implement no.9 due to complexity.
- - Would have taken a long time
- - Was not the focus of our project
- Actual Duration: 15 hours