Task 1:
Inserting elements in a random order. – plot height of tree vs. no. of inserted elements. Determine relationship between height and number of elements. I completed this task in a less than elegant manner, simply stacking makeRandomTree and printf statements together instead of creating a for loop. This was simple and seemed to produce similar results to everyone else – the relationship seems to be: height ~ sqrt(no. of nodes).
Task 2:
Node* minimum( Node* node ) { while (node->left != empty) { node = node->left; } return node; }
Node* maximum( Node* node ) { while (node->right != empty) { node = node->right; } return node; }
I think these work, for min value you need to go left and for max value you need to go right. I stuffed this up a couple of times, first trying to make a new node pointer inside the functions and returning them, and then changing my while loop condition, then changing it back.
Task 3:
This task caught me for a bit, i consulted the 2007 HTTB and gained the understanding required to complete and (hopehully) understand the task. Here is my code:
Node* lookup( int key, Node* node ) { if(node == empty) { return empty; } if(key < node->key) { return lookup(key, node->left); } else if(key > node->key) { return lookup(key, node->right); } else if(key == node->key) { return node; } }
I used this code to see whether or not it works, it seems to run:
Node *tree = makeRandomTree(640); Node *max = maximum(tree); Node *value = lookup(max->key, tree); printf("%d is max\n%d is looked up", max->key, value->key);
2145324179 is max
2145324179 is looked up
Task 4/5:
These tasks confused me for a while and i did not figure them out before the end of the lab. i didn't think the code was too difficult to write, it just required understanding of pre and post ordering. I read task 6 and the code in the HTTB for inserting nodes into a tree, and it looked reasonably difficult. I understood it as best i could, but did not write any code as having the answer right infront of me kinda made it unfair.