This lab was rather tough, firstly because I didn't have the gcc compiler on my laptop, thus aking it rather tough to actaully compile all files at once.
Next I had to download putty so I could run a shell and access the Uni linux server to actaully be able to compile.
gcc -lm *.c -o lab-5 && ./lab-5
Finally after all that when I was actaully able to start we encountered an interesting error:
randtest.c:154: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'log2'
Fortunately this didn't prevent me from running the code, so alls good.
Task 1
After an hour of stuffing around I finally was able to start on the lab... Yay... With all three values set to 100, the results were interesting, with 50% exceeding and Monte Carlo pi value being 2.5
Increasing all values to 10000, the Chi square increased to 99% and Monte Carlo pi rose to 3.188, much closer to what we want
Interestingly, if the values were dropped down to 10, the Chi square returned to 50%, while the Monte Carlo pi dropped to 0...
Task 2
With the first test the llps was 3 while the expected was 4.22, and on the second it was 7 instead of 6.67.